About Luna Medical

Letter from our Founder

Luna Medical > About Luna Medical, Inc. > Letter from our Founder


I began Luna Medical in 1996 in response to a need expressed by many local physicians for a company that provides medical products and education for patients diagnosed with Lymphedema and Chronic Venous Disease.

I graduated in 1989 from the University of Tampa with a dual degree in Business Management and Corporate Fitness and had since been working for medical equipment companies. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to provide continuing education programs (CEUs) to the medical community while working under the guidance of mentors versed in oncology and wound care. This gave me the opportunity to gain the valuable experience needed to incorporate a specialty company providing medical compression therapy products for the successful treatment and management of lymphatic and venous insufficiencies. Most importantly, I wanted to create a company centered around patients and their needs, including the need for education about their condition.

Since its beginnings, Luna Medical has maintained family ownership. From our headquarters in Chicago, we now work with patients, lymphedema therapy programs and insurance companies nationwide.

We take pride in the diligent work and care that we put into each one of our customers, and are continually looking for ways to develop our services to better serve them. My thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.

Kindest Regards,

Marianne Luh